lunes, 30 de enero de 2012

Emotional Cityness — BMW Guggenheim Lab | log

Emotional Cityness — BMW Guggenheim Lab | log
For some of us living in cities (and that is a lot of us in 2012), many of our interactions with our urban surroundings have the peril of becoming coldly automated—a walk from home to the office; a repetitive commute in the subway; a drive in a traffic jam. Efficiency and speed rule the rational decisions that drive our urban navigations—and that navigating is not merely getting from point A to point B, but also how we navigate around and with people, how we relate to our community, how we build friendships and trust. While the rational part of our urban interactions has us on autopilot for many of our daily comings and goings, what has become of the seemingly softer (yet undoubtedly powerful) emotional aspect of our daily interactions in cities?
Francesco Jodice, What We Want, Sao Paulo, T39, 2006. Inkjet print on cotton paper. Courtesy Galerìa Marta Cervera, Madrid

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