martes, 28 de septiembre de 2010

Recomendaciones para comer en Madrid Centro, sin salir de la Oficina

Buenas a todos,
JE je je, ya se que el título es chocante, todo marketing.
Se que a nadie se le ocurre pedir comida para que se la lleven a la oficina, pues no le queda ni un minuto para bajar a comer un triste bocadillo..... (IRONIA)
Pues si eres de los pocos que le pasa eso, o quieres una buena comida para disfrutar en casa os Recomiendo:
Tengo a una antigua alumna a la par que amiga trabajando en este portal web de pedidos de comida a Restaurantes, si digo RESTAURANTES, que también sirven comida a domicilio.
Os transcribo su correo.

Como sabéis algunos he empezado a trabajar en la web y estoy muy ilusionada ;).Por eso os pido a ser posible que difundáis este correo entre vuestros amigos y que éstos mismos a otros y os hagáis fans en facebook y twitter :
En SinDelantal estamos realizando diferentes pruebas para poder arrancar con el proyecto a tope!! ;) y dar un buen servicio a nuestros clientes!!.

Para los que no sepan que es es SinDelantal, os comento es un web que permite consultar restaurantes donde podemos pedir comida a domicilio o para recoger. Por ejemplo los que se olviden la comida y no tengan tiempo puedan pedir por la web comida,quien tenga una cena entre amigos y no tiene tiempo o no sabe que cocinar, una comida familiar, una sorpresa a tu pareja,o simplemente no os apetece cocinar pero si disfrutar de diferentes tipos de cocinay de diferentes precios ;)

Esperamos tener muchos restaurantes en la web a finales de año desde donde podréis pedir vuestros platos y pagar con tarjeta de crédito ( trabajamos en ello!!). Este servicio está abierto incluso los fines de semana, dependiendo de la disponibilidad del restaurante ( lo podréis ver en la ficha del restaurante). Actulamente tenemos algunos restaurantes abiertos (os los elenco a continuación) que reparten la comida a domicilio en Madrid centro y qué están buenísimos. Si tenéis o conocéis algún restaurante que os guste o sabéis que reparta a domicilio podéis hacermelo saber o sugerirlo en nuestra página web en el siguiente enlace:

La despedida no la pongo.
Un saludo para todos mis seguidores.

Atención nueva BlackBerry PlayBook

Today Research In Motion® (RIM) introduced the new professional-grade BlackBerry® PlayBook™ tablet and BlackBerry® Tablet OS – check out the above video for more details on the new BlackBerry PlayBook!
Stay tuned for future posts on the Inside BlackBerry blog family about BlackBerry PlayBook. In the meantime, read the press release here!

lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Are You Thinking Like Google?

Are You Thinking Like Google?
Página Web Super interesante sobre SEO, pero ...... en ingles chicos.
Ya sabéis...
A estudiar.

Me has de explicar para que sirve esto de Twitter

Me has de explicar para que sirve esto de Twitter: "

Este ha sido un mensaje que he recibido hoy en el correo. Un conocido que vive en el mundo real, que no se dedica al márketing está totalmente sorprendido con esto de la mensajería de 140 caracteres. No le cabe en la cabeza para que sirve, no entiende como se puede usar, y menos, como es que tiene una tasa de crecimiento tan alta.

Leer más


MOSKittGeo: from UML to Spatial Databases and back

MOSKittGeo: from UML to Spatial Databases and back: "

Probably some of you do a real engineering process to build your GIS projects, I mean, the classical analyse-design-implement cycle. As a GIS is in fact an Information System with the (complex of course) spatial component, one should expect that the common tools and methodologies of «normal Information Systems» are available for GIS engineers but on the case of database modelling that’s not so common.

So, what happens when you want to design a GIS data model? Well, one usually had to use a “fake” geometry type on your CASE tool of choice and afterwards create the geometry columns by hand or using custom post-processes.

Until now, because my smart colleagues at Prodevelop have developed an extension to the MOSKitt software called MOSKitt Geo that adds the spatial data type to the UML and Entity-Relationship models so you can perform the regular design process on MOSKitt: you do your UML model, then you convert it to the Entity-Relationship model and then you select your target database and MOSKitt creates the DDL scripts automatically.

MOSKitt ER designer

Even more, you can also do reverse engineering of your spatial database and redesign or improve you data models using excellent MOSKitt graphical tools!

Take a look on these videos from the new Prodevelop YouTube channel to see how it works and go (and comment!) to the Carlos post about MOSKitt Geo at Prodevelop blog.

Filed under: desarrollo, FOSS "

domingo, 26 de septiembre de 2010

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 2.1 released!

ArcGIS Viewer for Flex version 2.1 released!: "

Version 2.1 of the ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is now available.
It has been in beta since June, but this is the first 'real' release of the Flex Viewer.

There are a lot of changes since the beta versions, so please download the latest version.
We've added two new widgets: the NavigationWidget and the CoordinateWidget.
All other widgets have been improved.
For a complete list of what's new, improved, changed, fixed, and removed please
read the What's New.

If you created your own widgets, you need to recompile your widgets.
Most likely you will need to update the code as well. Please read migrating code from beta carefully.

The ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is a newly released ready-to-deploy viewer application.
It is configurable, so you can easily add tools and data content without programming.
You can also extend its functionality with custom widgets available from the Esri community, or create custom widgets yourself with the ArcGIS API for Flex.
The ArcGIS Viewer for Flex is ideal if you want more control over the look and feel of your application.
It is also a good solution if you want to host your own Web mapping applications.

Flex Viewer


miércoles, 22 de septiembre de 2010

Version 2.1 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript released

Version 2.1 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript released: "
Version 2.1 of the ArcGIS API for JavaScript is now available. To begin using it, just update the script and style sheet tags in your applications to point to version 2.1:

Some of the new features are:

  • Three new out of the box widgets that can quickly make your sites look better without requiring a lot of code.

    Legend Widget

    Display a legend for the layers in the map.

    Scalebar Widget

    Add a scale bar to the map in metric or Imperial units.

    Basemap Gallery Widget

    Use the Basemap Gallery to provide a collection of potential basemaps for your application.

  • Support for Dojo 1.5, whose enhancements include a new theme (claro) and Dojo Mobile.
  • Enhanced touch-aware map control that now includes support for double-tap and muti-finger tap to zoom in and out on iOS devices.
  • Support for OGC Web Map Service (WMS). View the API reference and sample for more details.
  • Online SDK samples that highlight the new functionality. The Samples Overview page in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript Resource Center displays the newest samples first, so it's a good way to quickly find the new samples.

For a complete list of enhancements and bug fixes, view the What's new in Version 2.1 document.

ArcGIS API for Flex: Version 2.1 released

ESRI User Conference Plenary SessionImage by gary j wood via FlickrArcGIS API for Flex: Version 2.1 released: "
Se acercan las novedades........
Version 2.1 of the ArcGIS API for Flex is now available.
To begin using it, download the new Flex API Library and recompile your applications.
The 2.1 version is fully backward compatible with 2.0. We've added a few things and fixed a few things. The key aspects of the 2.1 release are:
For a complete list of enhancements and bug fixes, see What's New in 2.1 Flex API.
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