viernes, 30 de diciembre de 2011

A Few Favorite Mobile, Social Location Articles from 2011 | AnyGeo - GIS, Maps, Mobile and Social Location Technology

A Few Favorite Mobile, Social Location Articles from 2011 | AnyGeo - GIS, Maps, Mobile and Social Location Technology

Over the past year we’ve authored and published more than 100 feature articles on Social location, mobile app development, and location services. the following are some of my favorites that I’d like to share with you. Most of our articles only hang out on the front page for several days and then slowly start working back into the archives. These resources should provide to be useful and of interest to anyone into mobile app development and interested in mobile social location.

The year started out with a detailed look at the State of Foursquare, then we covered off such topics as the Google Transit API, hackathons, open data sources and resources, geotagging digital media and much more…

See Some Favorite Mobile, Social Location Articles from 2011

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