viernes, 2 de noviembre de 2012

DOWNLOAD WAZE 3.5 for ANDROID – real-time social GPS NAVIGATION | AndroidADN

DOWNLOAD WAZE 3.5 for ANDROID – real-time social GPS NAVIGATION | AndroidADN: "Waze, the famous navigation app and GPS, has just received a major update to its version 3.5, which incorporates a lot of innovations and improvements. Here we have all the details.

Waze, the famous navigation app and GPS, has just received a major update to its version 3.5, which incorporates a lot of innovations and improvements. Here we have all the details.
Waze is one of those not so well known applications that really are excellent. This is a social GPS app that allows users to build and use live maps and information on traffic conditions in real time to improve our daily trips.

Waze is one of those not so well known applications that really are excellent. This is a social GPS app that allows users to build and use live maps and information on traffic conditions in real time to improve our daily trips."

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